rec·i·pe /ˈrɛsəpi/ Show Spelled[res-uh-pee] Show IPA –noun
1. a set of instructions for making or preparing something, esp. a food dish: a recipe for a cake.
2. a Medical prescription.
3. a method to attain a desired end: a recipe for success.
1350–1400; ME < L: take, impv. sing. of recipere to receive
rec·i·pe (rěs'ə-pē')
n. 1.A set of directions with a list of ingredients for making or preparing something, especially food.
2.A formula for or means to a desired end: a recipe for success.
3.A medical prescription.
[Latin, sing. imperative of recipere , to take, receive ; see receive .]
Word Origin & History
1584, "medical prescription," from M.Fr. récipé, from L. recipe "take!," imperative of recipere "to take" (see receive); word written by physicians at the head of prescriptions. Meaning "instructions for preparing food" first recorded 1743. The original sense survives only in the pharmacist's abbreviation Rx.
recipe rec·i·pe (rěs'ə-pē') n.
1.The heading that is used to indicate a medical prescription, usually ℞.
2.A medical prescription.